- Grades 4-6 -
Measuring the Forest
Students learn critical math skills as they investigate the forest as a biologist or forester. Students learn how to calculate the diameter, height, circumference, basal area of the tree, measure tree volume in the number of board feet, frequency of species and other measurements critical to proper forest stewardship. Students then apply these measurements to real-world questions, determining how best to make forestry management decisions.
Alignment with NC Standard Course of Study
4th Grade
- Systems, order, and organization
- Change, constancy, and measure
- Math Competency Goals 1, 2, 4, 5
- Social Studies Competency Goals 1, 6
- Guidance Competency Area 7, 8
5th Grade
- Systems, order, and organization
- Change, constancy, and measure
- Science Competency Goal 1
- Math Competency Goals 1, 2, 4, 5
- Social Studies Competency Goal 5
- Guidance Competency Area 7, 8
6th Grade
- Systems, order, and organization
- Change, constancy, and measure
- Science Competency Goal 1, 7
- Math Competency Goals 1, 2, 4, 5
- Guidance Competency Area 7, 8